Yacht charter information
Welcome! Here you will find everything you could possibly want to know about bareboat sailing and power boat charters in the British Virgin Islands.
Finding the right yacht for your needs can be an overwhelming process for the uninitiated ... but it really doesn't have to be. Firstly, depending upon which yacht you ultimately select, your holiday will begin and end at one of three
charter bases. Not familiar with the BVI? You'll find us on this
map of the Caribbean, south east of Puerto Rico. We're amongst the little specks in the red triangle.
Secondly, beginner sailors may want to know what all the "boating jargon" used throughout this website means. Have a quick look around our
yacht charter glossary to bring yourself up to speed. Thirdly, following is almost all the important stuff ... see further down this page for more of the nitty gritty details pertaining to yacht charters.
Important Information
Where to Buy & Rent Stuff
About Bareboats BVI
The links above deal with all the standard info that everyone pretty much needs to know. But some of us find comfort in knowledge, no matter how insignificant some may think it seems ... until they need that information of course!
There's actually a lot to know about bareboat charters and until now, much of it had to be learned over a period of years, through experience. But if the information is readily available in a cohesive and easy to follow manner, why not take advantage of it? So go ahead and dive in. There's really no mystery surrounding the subject.
Additional Information
Boating Safety & A Few Less Pleasant Topics
There will likely be more topics to come ... as and when the need arises and as time permits. If you find we are missing anything specific to yacht charters in the BVI that you'd be curious to know, send us a
message and we'll add it to our "to do" list!