Sidney Hendricks
Sidney "Sonny" Hendricks was a stellar human being. Sadly, on March 7, 2010, we lost this charming personality, who, for so many years was a friend to all in the BVI sailing community and thousands of charter guests who passed this way.
Whenever I go to Sidney's, I still half expect to see him sitting in the corner by the bar with the ever present hat, little dread locks, big smile and even bigger mass of keys, jingling in his hands. I could never fathom how the heck he remembered what all those keys were for! Sidney, you are truly missed.
A new day has dawned in Garner Bay and life goes on. What Sidney and wife Athena (aka Miss Sidney) began in 1974, Athena and their three daughters ( Rona, Janet & Strawberry) have capably continued, while son Val runs the family fishing boat.
The ladies may not be as outgoing as Sidney was, but they are a warm and friendly bunch who can't do enough for their guests. Together with Chef Terence (pictured below), they put together a fabulous meal to delight restaurant guests.
The place hasn't changed a bit since I first arrived in the BVI. Just about every square inch of wall space is covered in graffiti and the ceiling is adorned with T-shirts supplied by diners, commemorating their visit to Sidney's Peace & Love.
Their specialty, like all others in Little Harbour is fresh (live) lobster, fish, conch, shrimp and sometimes crab if you are lucky ... but they also offer chicken dishes and spare ribs, and are more than happy to accommodate vegans or vegetarians. Their side dishes are good too.
Dockside dining is the order of the day with your hostess, Strawberry, directing traffic and the floor staff. The bar is a serve yourself, honour bar which some say is somewhat limited in their offerings but sufficient for most, particularly if you are a rum drinker. Just write down what you had on your ticket and you are good to go!
Sidney's Peace And Love Restaurant
Chef Terence, Sidney's Peace And Love
Sidney's Peace And Love Inside
Sidney's Peace And Love Outside
If you want to pick up a t-shirt to replace the one you were wearing before you tacked it to the ceiling ... just walk around the corner of the restaurant and you'll find the gift shop. :)
Sidney's Peace And Love Gift Shop
Sidney's Peace And Love Staff
Strawberry and Athena weren't available for the picture taking, but Janet (left) and Rona (right) with Terence in the middle, are always charming.
Note: Please don't call to tell me I have the spelling of Sidney's name wrong and that it should be Sydney's Peace and Love. Whoever made their new sign simply made a booboo and I guess the ladies felt ... waste not want not!
Phone: (284) 495-9271
They monitor VHF Channel 16
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner from 8:30 a.m. until ...
Reservations preferred but not required