Based in Tortola British Virgin Islands Tel: Currently Unavailable

For yacht club and group charter inquiries

minimum of four yachts for the same dates
Welcome to Bareboats BVI. We are based in Tortola, British Virgin Islands and have arranged several group charters for up to as many as 21 yachts in the past. We are happy to assist you in organizing your destination sailing vacation for you and your club mates or friends and have developed a system that will make the whole process quite simple and painless. So let's get the ball rolling...
Full name (required)
Email address (required)
Telephone number
Who do you represent? (required)
How many individual yachts will your group need in total?
Number of Catamarans:
Number of Monohulls:
Number of Motor Yachts:
Or, undetermined but likely between and
About your dates
Start Date:

End Date:

Are the dates flexible?
Note: One by one, as your group members select their yachts, each group (yacht) will then appoint one main contact person for their group. This way, we will be able to keep track of who's who and their individual needs. Contact persons for each yacht will then be responsible to keep other members of their crew updated and informed as to what is happening and what is needed from each of them.
Please provide a brief overview of your group's requirements in the text box below:
To help us avoid automated submissions, please enter the result of the sum in the box.
What is 2 plus 1?

Alternatively, contact our office in Tortola, BVI to discuss your needs.
Office hours are:
Weekdays: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (Nov 1st to Mar 31st)
Sunday: Closed
Closed weekends (April 1 to October 31)
Closed on all Public Holidays

Tel: (+1) Currently Unavailable
Current time in Road Town is: 10:00 AM Current date is: Monday February 17th 2025